Koihime musou episode 2 english dub
Koihime musou episode 2 english dub

koihime musou episode 2 english dub

Aisha, after hearing the news, meets Sōsō & asks her to spare & release Bachō. While there, she meets Rinrin when she is suddenly attacked by Bachō who claims Sōsō killed her father, Batō, before being subdued by Rinrin & Sōsō's guards. Sōsō and her troops return to Shao after defeating the army of bandits.

koihime musou episode 2 english dub

Transcription: " Bachō, Sōsō o Utan to Suru no Koto" ( Japanese: 馬超、曹操を討たんとするのこと)

koihime musou episode 2 english dub

In the end, Bun Shou & Ganryou win the contest by default when Chōhi and Bachō decided to forfeit & not embarrass themselves, while Chōhi decides to introduce Aisha & Sei to Bachō. Both groups win a round (Chōhi and Bachō in Beauty & Bun Shou & Ganryou in Intelligence) before the third round begins where they are asked to fight in a Sumo match while wearing a humiliating Sumo attire. Bun Shou & Ganryou, aren't pleased since both of them fear they will get fired so Enshou decides to hold a 3 round contest between the two groups. Both of them make it to the final round which ends in a "draw", which impresses Enshou, who decides to ask them to join her group. Meanwhile, Aisha & her friends are working at a Maid Restaurant in order to earn money but Chōhi decides to earn money another way where she meets Bachō, and both of them decide to enter a fighting tournament hosted by Enshou. She later meets Aisha who she develops an interest in. Sōsō leaves but not before humiliating & insulting Enshou & her assistants, Bun Shou & Ganryou, for their idiocy & not dealing with the bandits in Shao. Transcription: " Chōhi, Bachō to Aiutsu no Koto" ( Japanese: 張飛、馬超と相打つのこと)Įnshou, the arrogant noble of Shao meets Sōsō, the young queen of Wei, who has asked permission to have her troops enter Enshou's land to destroy an army of bandits there on behalf of the Imperial capital. Chōun decides to join Aisha & Rinrin in their travels since Kōsonsan, while a noble person, isn't strong enough to unite the country and its rival factions. Kōsonsan is not happy hearing this since she wanted to showoff her White horse in battle. However, Rinrin arrives & helps the prisoners escape while Chōun and Aisha defeat the rest of the bandits. After finding their base, Chōun and Aisha fight off some of the bandits & rescue the prisoners held by them before finding themselves in a dead-end. Aisha agrees and she & Sei hide in a merchant's crate so the bandits will steal it and take it to their base. Kōsonsan, a local feudal lord and Chōun (also known as Sei), another warrior, ask Aisha (Kan'u real name) to help to find a hidden base belonging to Bandits so they can be eliminated. Transcription: " Kan'u, Chōun to Shichi ni Omomuku no Koto" ( Japanese: 関羽, 趙雲と死地に赴くのこと) After making a vow of sisterhood with Chōhi (Rinrin other name), Rinrin apologizes to the mayor and leaves her hometown with Kan'u but not before saying goodbye to her friends. After meeting and fighting her which ends in Rinrin's defeat, Kan'u realizes that her antics are just her way of getting attention after being lonely after her grandfather died. Then he decides to send his soldiers to catch her until Kan'u volunteers to do it herself. While most of the town find their antics funny, the Mayor doesn't. Kan'u, a traveling warrior who fights bandits, visits a town where she encounters Rinrin and her troublemaker friends.

koihime musou episode 2 english dub

Transcription: " Kan'u, Chōhi to Shimai no Chigiri o Musubu no Koto" ( Japanese: 関羽, 張飛と姉妹の契りを結ぶのこと) "Kan'u Makes a Vow of Sisterhood With Chōhi"

  • 3 Shin Koihime Musō: Otome Tairan (2010).

  • Koihime musou episode 2 english dub